
Learn how Infinite’s branding process
is built to build brand value

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Values Build Value

Brand value is built solely in the minds of people. It’s why they pay more for certain products than others. But brands that typically have the most brand value are the ones who have acted on core values that align with their consumer.

A great brand should give you something to believe in

People trust brands that are consistent in their messaging and their actions. Advertising, digital marketing, or social media campaigns build brand value effectively when portraying what the brand truly believes.

84% of consumers trust
recommendations from people they know
rather than brand messaging.

81% of consumers trust
recommendations from people they know
rather than brand messaging.

71% of consumers trust
recommendations from people they know
rather than brand messaging.

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Infinite helps
craft values to build
brand value

Every touch point to your consumer, from the message to the visual identity, needs to be consistent to give the brand sustainable value.

We are your

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Our team of community builders and interactive influencers help brands turn each conversation into a conversion. Infinite builds campaigns for brands by working with the makers and creators of new trends so your brand can build a trusted following.

Case Study: Carter Blood Care

Headline clever about CBC here.